Our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint are on two fronts. First, we ensure that our operations are enviro-friendly and consume less energy, and the second is that our products demand less energy.
In our Solapur plants, we have installed a solar plant of 650 kW, which meets nearly 60% of our energy requirements. We make the maximum use of daylight so that less energy is consumed in illuminating workspaces. Large size motor testing is an energy guzzler. That is why we made a sizeable investment in regenerative motor test set-up. This helps us recover almost 75% of energy consumed in testing operations. We ensure near-zero effluent discharge by adhering to various waste disposal methods and pollution-free processes.
In the last few years, we have focused on developing energy-efficient motors, which has yielded good results. Our product basket covers the complete range of energy efficient motors (IE2, IE3 & IE4). All these types of energy-efficient motors help our customers save considerable amount of energy over the long run.